Who says wedding invitations have to have embossing, vellum, ribbons, and that extra what’s-it-for-anyway envelope? Want classy invitations that let the real you shine through—at a fraction of the price? With some ingenuity and the right materials, you can do it!
Yes, invitations do need a lot of pieces—the invite itself, the response card and envelope, directions to the ceremony and reception. Think of a theme to tie it all together.
Here are some ideas:
Our Journey—different map images and include them on each invitation component (as a background or icon).
The Music of Our Lives—use thumbnail pictures of the groups who made you love each other. If your parents are included in the invitation, consider asking for their favorites and add them.
Retro—Scan old photos of you and your beloved (you can use everything from baby pix to yearbook shots).
After you’ve settled on a theme, consider making your own invitations. All you’ll need is paper and envelopes, a laser printer, and a little bit of creativity. You don’t have to start from scratch—visit unique paper and stationery outlets to talk with their staff and choose materials.
You might include a memento in the invitation itself—perhaps a homemade fridge magnet, a strip of stickers tied to the invite theme, or a bookmark. One couple we know made a CD of their favorite music and sent it to everyone invited. This is a great way to get people excited about sharing your special day with you—sort of a pre-wedding wedding favor.
Make sure to keep at least one full set of your invitation for posterity. It can be the first piece in your wedding memory book and will always remind you of the fun you had coming up with it.